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What's in a50: March 24, 2004
• Started work integrating the new "heirarchic" architecture, where an Item in a Rose document may itself contain another document (list of items) embedded directly. This will allow an "outline" view or "Heirarchic Columns" view like the OS X Finder, and also allow multiple documents to be embedded within a single icon in Finder/Explorer.
• Started preliminary draft of XML file format. The new heirarchic architecture will require a new file format, so it seems an appropriet time to move to XML. There will still be a binary format available as an option, and a translator to go back and forth. The file format (binary or XML) is cross platform.
• Sped up the startup time. QuickTime is still a dog, however. (hog? flog? bog?) I don't think I can load it lazily, my graphics translator relies on it.
• Win: Finally fixed clipping and drawing bugs!!
• Win: Twirly arrows now draw.
• Win: Now, when switching to hierarchical colums, no longer assert then crash.
• Mac: Can now open Rose documents that have the correct extension (.2dr) but also have it's real Mac File Type set to 'BINA' (the generic Macintosh Binary file type), which can happen when downloading with, for example, Timbuktu.
• Win: re-fixed loading of pictures (yet again) so they actually show up when you open a saved Rose document (they would not show up in Edit Mode)
• Win: Prefs window: "Undo Stack" now reads "Undo Stack Depth"

What's in a49.1: March 13, 2004
• Now when you drag an image into Rose, it becomes it's own link. (ie: it will launch that file when you click it in go mode)
• Windows: Fixed a bug where, when you drag a non-image file into a document in Freeform mode, it would not show up. (Actually, it would be there, but it would be waaay off the screen) (You could see it if you switch to Heirarchical Column view)
• Removed -E from "Edit Mode" since "Go Mode" is a toggle anyway.
• Added new items to Options menu: Generate Text vs. Generate Rose. Used to be, it would always generate text, unless you chose "Generate Numerology" or unless you specifically made a new (separate) Rose Document and chose "Set Generator Target". Now you can just pick which one you want to generate. (Not hooked up yet)
• Added new items to Options menu: I separated out the things that can only be generated when the target is a Rose document. I don't like this UI much. (not hooked up yet)
• On Mac, if Rose idles for more than 2 seconds, it "sleeps", so it doesn't drain your CPU. (You can verify this with "Activity Monitor") The framework I'm using (YAAF) does an insane ammount of stuff during Idle that really does not need to be continuously running. Frankly i'm amazed it's as responsive as it is.
• Hooked up new menus "Generate Rose" vs. "Generate Text", which will, when you generate a new file, picks it's type. This is a stopgap until I've got a converter written that goes from Rose to Text and back.
• Hooked up new menus "Set As Background" and "Generate Background", this is for example the Refridgerator Poetry (not posted yet), so a new Rose document inherits the background image(s) from the source document. Also finally makes explicit the notion of background image (it used to be hard coded as the first picture item). Note you can now have more than one background image. The first one (the one furthest back) MUST be flush top left, and ALL other items on the page MUST be within it's boundaries, or you you'll see screwy stuff in Go mode.
• New thingie deal in the Preferences: Player Only. In "Player Only" mode, you get simplified menus, and editing will be limited to "moving stuff around". This eventually won't let the user modify "locked" documents too.
• Snuck in to a49.1: The version checker was busted, and I only just hit the problem with a49. The compare routine did not cope with the bit pattern making up a49. So you won't get an alert to update to a49, just go ahead and download it. But it's fixed for the future and you will always get alerts now.  
What's in a48: February 10, 2004
• Added new "View" menu, like the finder, moved "Show Invisible" and "Ignore Locks" there too.
• View menu has standard "View as..." items: Icons, List, Heirarchic Columns, but of course I added in the Rose views: Freeform, Flat Columns and a new one Zoom. If you've ever seen "ZoomBrowser", you know what this will do. Only Freeform and Flat Columns are functioning now.
• View menu has "Sort by..." submenu with lots of options, not working yet
• View menu has two nifty new items: "Show Toolbar" and "Show Status Bar". They work.
• Rose windows now optionally have a Toolbar and Status Bar. (Windows: if showing toolbar, then the area below sometimes draws wrong, must fix)
• The toolbar has OS X Finder-like buttons: back, forward, view as icons, list, columns, plus Rose buttons: freeform, flat columns and zoom. The toolbar also includes an info bar and address bar (read only for now). The address bar only shows the path to the saved file at the moment. The back and forward buttons function as Undo/Redo, not sure if it'll stay that way. (Windows: these icons are shmutzy, must fix)
• The Status bar shows rollover (link or text content) information as well as selection information.
• You no longer loose your placement rectangles when switching from Freeform to Flat Columns and back!
• Un/Re-doing many select-drags now refreshes properly (used to leave things looking (sometimes partially) selected)
• Fixed bug: you can again right-click on items to cut/copy etc.
• Fixed bug: When dragging items in flat column mode, no longer duplicates unless you hold the option key
• Can now import HTS Analysys files. (Same menu item File->Import->HTS)
• Can now import "Flowers" text file. Note the format: Item name can contain spaces or dashes, but each word MUST not start with lower case (can be non-alpha as well, eg: "("), the content (rollover) MUST have the first word capitalized and the second word MUST be lower case alpha), the rest of the line is ignored.
• Fixed a buncha bugs in my dragon-drop code causing crashies
• You can again duplicate the selection with option-drag
• Doesn't crash any more when opening a file system folder
• If there is no "content" rollover information, then the "title" info is shown instead
• Fixed bug where background picture would not show up (says "loading") if you open a file in Go mode
• Fixed bad bug where if URL file (the kind made from an IE Bookmark) has a long description, it would crash when opening that file. (Windows can deal with longer names than mac can)
• There is a new option in Debug menu to convert URL files to direct references. (So, instead of launching the URL file from your hard disk, which launches IE, it will directly launch into IE. This way, you don't depend on the shortcut file existing when you move the rose document to another computer)
• Implemented Edit->Select->Missing, which will now select (hilite) all items that refer to a missing file. (Either you renamed the file, or moved it, or deleted it. Makes it easier to know which links you need to update)
• Changed font embiggen and smallerize to -] and -[, respectively. That way, you can now type ] and [ in the text window.
• Wrote tons of new (unused) code to manage generic outlines, for general heirarchy browsing. Ability to have multiple views on same outline, save/load of state etc. Not used yet for anything, but will move to this file format going forward.

What's in a47: December 31, 2003
• Windows now has accelerators hooked up for alt-enter and plain enter to edit content and title, respectively
• Item title can now be a URL to a picture, and if so that picture will be used as the item. You can drag a picture file or a picture URL into a rose document (don't drop it ON an item, just drop it in empty area).
• On Windows, now using DIB sections instead of BitMaps
• Now supports these picture formats on both platforms: PICT, Windows Bitmap, Gif, Jpeg, QuickTime Image File, PNG, Targa, Tiff, PDF, FlashPix and Photoshop
• Requires QuickTime (Well, if you don't have QT installed, then Windows can only deal with BMP images, and Mac can only deal with PICT images)
• Startup Screen now shows startup progress at bottom.
• You can now *type* (or paste) a picture URL into an item, and that picture will load.
• If you have a bad pict URL it won't forever keep attempting to load it.
• Dragging a whatever from outside rose and dropping onto an empty area (not on an existing item) will again name the item (it used to come up blank, tho the link was intact)
• Re-orgd the menus yet again. Added new option to NOT generate as you click.
• Items that are links to folders, when clicked in Go mode, now open in Rose as a Rose document.
• No longer crash if you go to Go mode with no items.
• If you type a URL then click away to load it, you're no longer stuck dragging a rectangle (symptom would be screen does not update until you click, then when you do, you're dragging a rectangle from the point of the original click)
• Now supports ".ico" files. This does not require QuickTime. (usually used on Windows, or web sites that have a bookmark icon (favicon.ico))
• Windows version no longer thinks all files are folders, and that all files exist (even those that do not). (bug would show up when working on a mac, and saving a document that had a link to an external file, then moving that file to windows)
• Pictures now load in a background thread, so downloading them doesn't hold up the UI.
• Now, whenever I change the menu resources (on the mac), the next time Rose is run, it will automatically spit out the new windows ".rc" file. This way, I won't accidentally have the wrong menus on in the windows version of Rose. (Sometimes I have forgotten to update the windows resources before building)
• -A, -D for select all / deselect all now work in text window
• Finally got the Resource Constructor working!! (i was missing a resource file in a magic driectory! DOH)
• New preferences dialog (to test out the constructor), window resources are now compiled, not hacked. (3-Button dialogs are still hacked, and will remain so, since they work)
• Can now re-load missing Picture files again (by "renaming" them)
• Import Picture works with jpg, png, bmp, pct
• Updated Zyria board download to new file format (will not open in a42)
• Error strings are no longer off by one (fail to read used to report fail to write)
• Tool Palette: Now that I can construct dialogs and windows, I got all sike'd and made a goofy tool palette! Icons are *very* first draft, they will look much nicer later, i swear (submmissions welcome). See "Tool Palette" under Help.
• To remind you you're in marquee or shape mode, the cursor becomes the plus sign.
• The top 4 icon square is the real tool palette, the rest of the icons are actually command buttons, corresponding to some commands in the Layout menu. The Lock and Hide icons will reflect the current selection.
• Got rid of "draw shapes" in the menu bar, since it's now in the tool palette. Right click-drag will still work for marquee.
• Unfortunately, I had to pull out the Tool Palette. So far I can't get it to "float" on windows. So it interferes with the "frontmost" window, causing the menus to not work. So there is no way to draw shapes at the moment.

What's in a46: November 22, 2003
• Mac: Disabled Quartz drawing, which I wasn't using anyway, so things are generally faster, noteably if you use Apple Chancery or Zapfino fonts.
• In text edits, forward delete key will now, well, forward delete
• In text edits, shift-arrow key selecting text now has a memory of which direction you're going so you can go back (rather than always grow)
• Context menu with cut, copy, paste & font!
• Fixed Windows clipboard so you can go paste paste paste, also now disposes properly.
• Undo in the Text window! :-) *deep breath*
• Fixed bug: Insert CR was going to end instead of before selection
• New command "Insert Item -I" in layout menu adds new item before selection
• In column mode drag & drop after end goes to the end rather than copying
• Fixed a bunch of places where you could start editing the text of an item before finishing the previous one (and crash)
• In Rose docs, paste will now insert before selection
• You no longer crash if you do a find on an empty text document
• Updated web site to "tab bar" layout
• In Help menu, Rose Feedback... now goes to new feedback page
• Fixed windows app rose icon so it has the right background (transparency)
• Added custom "favicon.ico" to web site so on Windows (IE) if you bookmark the site, you get a nice Rose icon to go with it. On mac (Safari) you always get the icon even if you don't bookmark it.
• Fixed sticky context menu click on windows (it was eating the next click after you used the context menu)
• You can now drag and drop from Finder or Explorer to empty space to create a link to a file. If it happens to be a picture (currently only PICT (mac) or BMP (win)) then it imports the picture instead. (To create a new link to a picture, first create the rose item, then drop the picture onto it)
• You can "Size to Fit" a picture now and it will go back to it's native size.
• When you drag a file from the OS and drop it onto a rose item, it only changes the title of the item if it was blank. If it was not blank, or if it was a picture, then it does not change the title
• Fixed bug where dragging a URL into a rose document would copy too many characters, leaving your link pointing wrongly.
• Fixed bug where mac version was not launching links to file system objects.
• Fixed bug where changing fonts while in "rename" mode would make you crash later
• Fixed nudging (using arrow keys in Edit Freeform mode)
• Pictures now reorg in Auto-layout mode
• There's a new "Randomize" function next to "Sort Alphabetically". Guess what it does?
• You can now choose "Set Generator Target" to UN-set an item as the target. (A new window will be made next time you generate)
• New: You can now edit the "content" of an item, that is, it's link text (could be a URL or just plain text). To edit content, opt-click the item, or choose "Edit Conent" or press "opt-return" when the item is selected. If you type text the item is recognized as plain text (and is not launched when you click it in Go mode), if you type a URL, it is recognized as a URL (and is launched in your browser when clicked in Go mode)
• New in Options menu > Generate Content. You can now optionally generate the conent of an item when you click it in Go mode. Only works for text content, since URLs and Files will be launched instead.
• New in the Debug menu: "Remove Numerology" will strip a any numerology out of the selected items in a Rose document
-I now inserts after selection

What's in a45: November 13, 2003
• Undo! Yeah! Number of Undo's is arbitrarily set to 20. You can hack the registry (Windows) or edit your prefs file (Mac) to adjust this number. One day I'll have a real Preferences dialog. There are no more "Are you sure...?" dialogs.
• Moving or Sizing a Rose window marks it dirty so you can save it (unless it's empty)
• Making a new empty Rose window does NOT mark it dirty, you can close it without getting the "Save changes?" dialog
• I no longer refresh the window when it is marked "changed", this prevents unnecessary (sometimes lenghy) updates
• In column mode, no longer drawing 1 column more than is on screen (this would indicate by a black line on the right edge of the screen)
• The default number of columns in column mode is 4, also fixes a bug where sometimes you'd get zero columns!
• Re-org'd the Layout menu yet again, more logically grouping things, added "Add Column" and "Remove Column" so they're no longer hidden commands. These work in edit mode when in Auto Layout.
• Memory logging menu (with check mark) was hooked up to preferences, (so it remembered it's setting), but this was not hooked into whether it turned off memory logging. (It used to always run when logging was on). Now it runs ONLY when it is checked in the debug menu.
• Fixed a bug where prefs wasn't saving if you turn OFF Auto Layout mode or Ignore Locks
• Fixing fucked shapes or fonts now operates on entire list, not selection.
• Prefs are saved immediately always, so if you crash, you've still got your prefs saved.
• You can only switch Auto Layout when you are in Edit Mode.
• Working around a panther bug that would hang when scrolling up or left and you have custom button shapes that get revealed. To keep from hanging, the buttons will now draw with pretty thin lines, sometimes getting to zero thickness (for diagonal lines). Apple is aware of this bug and can reproduce it (radar 3478908), hopefully they will fix this soon.
• "Check for Update" is now official and lives in the Help menu.
• New Untitled windows no longer increment by 2
• Used to be able to hit the "zeroeth" item in Go Mode if you had "Ignore Locks" enabled, and you'd crash.
• AutoSave is again enabled
• A new pref to decide whether to automatically check for new version of Rose. Under the Debug menu (Till I get a real prefs dialog). For people who are not constantly online, will prevent modem from dialing.
• Version check will now run periodically (every half hour) if you have it turned on, and will also report the version number if it finds a newer version.
• Fixed crashing bug in Mac Menu Keys
• Targeting used to get all wrong during and after numerology, this is fixed
• Fixed Bug where column mode doesn't draw columns first time window is shown
• Font switching in text window is fixed again (so blinky caret moves) even when NOT word wrapping
• No longer report a problem if Rose can't connect to the version server during automatic version check

What's in a44: November 2, 2003, I'm getting married to Liesl!
• Ready for Panther! (Fixed bug where menu commands would fail)
• Fonts! You can set the font that is used in all text windows (You have only one choice, Mr. Anderson). Also you can individually set fonts for each item in a Rose window. You can use Plain, Bold, Italic and Underline.
• Real prefs files. Stored as XML in ~/Library/Preferences/Rose Application Prefs.xml on mac, or under "lazilong" the Registry on windows. Remembers default Rose window placement, and logging prefs (from the debug menu). Text prefs stored separately as well, remembering font, tab info etc.
• Prefs now save ALL Rose info, including font, window position, num columns (for column mode), and all menu choices that can have check marks. When you create a new Rose window, it will have the prefs from the most recent rose document that was changed.
• Fixed bug of humungous font size in column mode on windows
• Fixed bug of adding new items in column mode not working (same bug)
• Fixed bug of "Insert Return" on windows deleting the item you selected (same bug)
• Cut, Copy & Paste! Yep, you can copy and paste between Rose documents. Still can't copy & paste between Rose & Text.
• Fixed a bug with font sizes and custom button shapes, if you save a file on a Mac, move to PC, re-save, then open again on Mac, the font sizes and the positions of the vertices in shapes would be "swapped" (read: fucked). This will no longer happen, but if you have this problem, there are new items in the Debug menu for un-fucking these items. Be sure to Select All before you use these menu items. Fixing fonts is harmless, you can do it over and over. Fixing Shapes, however, is dangerous if you don't need to fix shapes, you may crash by creating illegal shapes. And be VERY sure to select all, you don't want just SOME of your shapes fixed. If you fix shapes and don't need to, just fix them again since it is a mirror operation.
• Implemented general 3-button dialogs. (previous example was when closing a window "save changes? [save] [don't save] [cancel]", but this was hard coded. So now you get warnings when going to column mode, or when sorting alphaly, or when removing shapes. Niftily, you can usually press the first letter of the name of the button to activate that button. To test it, try "Debug->Quest"
• Version Check! Rose now checks the server for a newer version and alerts you if there is one! The alert window has three buttons: "Web Site", "Download" or "OK". It does this at startup in a separate thread. It's also in the debug menu if you want to try it.
• Fixed an extremely painful, dreary and brain-sapping bug where I was referencing a thing I had already deleted. Symptom was: new rose, drag a rect to make a new item, click to close and crash. Whew!
• In Column mode, now draws all column boxes even if they're not filled
• Can now import HTS data base files (from the "dispensary")
• Fixed heinous bug in Mac version where you would crash if you just opened the Zyriya board, clicked one item (which created a new text window) and then close the zyriya board.

What's in a43: October 26, 2003
• This is a cross-compiled Mac & Windows App!
• On win, cmd maps to ctrl, and opt maps to alt for all key shortcuts. ctrl does not map, and is not used.
• Files are cross platform compatible (save on mac, open on win, vice versa, see below for picture references). Please make sure all your old files have the ".2dr" extension so they open in windows. There is a new file format, but old files are supported read only. You will be prompted to re-save your file, you can save over your old file, but will not be able to go back to a42.
• Rose files will now always save with ".2dr" extension, text with ".txt"
• Default font is Arial 12 on both platforms
• Mac: file types are filtered by either MacFileType or by file extension, so typeless files with the proper extension will open (eg: brought over from the PC)
• If you have files that refer to a PICT, you must be sure to create a copy in the same directory of type ".bmp". When loading files, Rose will automatically search for the ".bmp" on windows or the ".pct" on the mac. Please add the ".pct" extension to mac PICT files (and re-target them using a42)
• The Application icon has been updated to the single Rose. On Mac, document icons have the 2 dozen roses icon.
• Printing! Holy Shit! (It's a little brain dead right now about pagination)
• Find & Replace in the text window (Neat) And Go To Line number, wow!
• Fonts: Rose documents can now support individual font records per item. Right now you can set the size, but soon the whole caboodle. On Windows, you get the Font panel. On Mac (for now at least) you get the Font menu. You may want to try FontCard, which gives you WYSIWYG font menus in all apps.
• To set fonts: select your items, then chose Mac: Layout->Type->[you'll see] or Win:Layout->Font Panel...
• Fixed all the scroll/schmutz bugs in the Text window
• Support for shift and option keys in menu shortcuts
• Debug menu to Enable/Disable logging. On Mac, Export Win Menu Res will spit out a text file that can be compiled on Windows that describes the menu resources.
• Window menu with Cascade & Tile
• Text window has it's own preferences
• You can scroll horizontally in Edit mode when viewing columns. You can't scroll in Go mode, this will be addressed
• New windows are labeled "Untitled Rose #" or "Untitled Text #", so you know what they are
• You now get a crosshair cursor when you hover over an item sizer so you know you can click to resize
• When drawing custom button shapes, you can click on the point you just laid down to finish the shape, and you now get a crosshair cursor when hovering over a place where clicking will finish the shape
• The windows version will try to keep only one copy of itself running. so if you d-click on a 2dr file, it should go to the already running app, rather than launching a new instance

What's in a42: October 17, 2003
• Last Mac only version!

What's in a41: September 27, 2003
• Fixed numerology mode so it actually works (also now produces items with both name & number)
• renamed Layout menu to "Items"
• New item action transfers entire selection to generator destination "Items->Generate Selection"

What's in a40: September 25, 2003
• Fixed a bug when you d-click a rose text file in finder, first time, no window, next time you get an assert.
• New "Numerology" go mode, transfers the numerology of the text, rather than the text
• New in edit mode, you can select a bunch, then choose Layout->Add Numerology Summation, which will add the values of the words and/or the values of the numbers, and create a new item with the answer.
• New in edit mode, you can select an item, then choose Layout->Add Numerology Reduction, which will perform a numerological reduction on the item, and create a new item with the answer.
• Fixed when editing an item, when you click inside, it used to re-draw as if it's not in edit mode.

What's in a39: September 20 2003
• Fixed a bug of running out of tracking pointers (no longer tracking item pointers, there are too many, and it's already debugged)
• Fixed a bug that would assert when importing text
• Fixed bug where importing text would seem to only import the first item (the rest had zero sized rectangles)
• Fixed bug after importing text, window would not refresh
• Moved "Draw Shapes" from Layout menu to Options menu
• Added new Option->Set Target, so you can set the target of generating. Now you can have a Rose document be the target of generation. Especially nifty in column mode with one column.
• Removing shapes now gets an "Are you sure?" dialog
• Converting to Column (Auto layout) mode now automatically remove shapes (no sense in this mode) and shows hidden items (else you'll be wondering what the hell happened to my items)
• I'm no longer going to keep saying that the help page has been updated

What's in a38: September 19 2003
• Back end "CGenerator" object no longer tied to window, can exist independently (saves memory)
• Reorg'd the menus yet again
• Can now insert a CR item (when in column mode)
• Can now align selection (top, left, bottom or right)
• Can now make each item in selection adjust it's rectangles to fit it's word
• Can now sort alphabetically
• Can now option-drag and drop to duplicate selection, and you can drag to another Rose window!
• The help page has been updated

What's in a37: evening of September 16, 2003
• Fixed a crasher when clicking a file link on an unsaved rose file
• When you click a pict file, you now get the name of the pict file, not a hex dump of it's address viewed as characters.
• Adding the first item in column mode now sets the rectangle correctly (again)
• Fixed a bug where auto layout mode would just plain not function as advertised
• You can now drag-reorder multiple items (in auto-layout mode)
• You can now option-drag to duplicate the selection (in auto-layout mode)

What's in a36: afternoon of September 16, 2003
• The menus have again been re-org'd
• The help page has been updated
•The internal representation has been converted from an array to a list of pointers, making things like sorting, reordering, insert/delete and practically everything else about ten times easier.

What's in a35:
• Version is available in Get Info, and About Box. Version number is now managed automatically. (makes it much easier for me to increment the version)
• New web feedback form actually works, and you can provide feedback in two forms from the Help Menu
• Windows now draw when opened (not blank)
• Don't assert when reordering in auto-layout mode
• You can now nudge the selection with arrow keys. Hold option to multiply by ten.
• You can now press [Enter] or [Return] to begin editing the text of an item.

What's in a34:
• First real release of Rose! Hey it works!
• When scrolling and resizing, no longer draw text, just boxes, for speed
• Can now link to folders
• Speak entire document no longer speaks past end
• New Help Menu goes to help page
• Drag and drop bugs: now un-hilite when done, updates name always
• Starting a new text file by generating, leaves text window behind rose window (doesn't pop text in front)
• First time using Go Mode on a new rose window will now update window (used to leave you in what looked like edit mode)
• Font size now honored in Go Mode (non auto layout mode) (You may have to adjust Zyriya)
• Gives a hint if you can't open prefs file. (Set ownership)

For version history prior to a34, click here. Much of the Rose source evolved from the source of ADFS, and in fact Rose started as an extension to ADFS, branching directly off it's code base. It has since split off entirely, but eventually I will re-merge ADFS into Rose to take advantage of the modern file format, heirarchy browsing and other features that the Rose code base provides.

Everything © 2001-04 David M. Cotter, all rights reserved.